Amidst the bustling streets of Barcelona, in the town of Sitges, under the warm glow of the Mediterranean sun, lived a mysterious girl named "Senorita." She moved through the cobblestone alleys with grace, her eyes reflecting the passion of flamenco and the rhythm of the city.

Our Senorita Drop was created with sunny places, vibrant cities, and the colors of the setting sun in mind. It's a collection for true She is Sunday Girls who love to travel and live to the rhythm of Flamenco.

In our collection, you will find new cuts, patterns, and colors. We're testing our clients' courage with intense colors and ruffles. However, we're keeping our core, which includes our slogans, colorful cuffs, and high-quality materials. Some of our customers' favorite bestsellers will also make a comeback.

"Drop Senorita" is not just about clothes. It's a tribute to women who inspire us every day, a manifestation of a lifestyle where every day is full of excitement, energy, and beauty. We encourage you to discover magical moments in our new collection, which will transport you straight to the streets of mysterious towns.